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* This is a digital product, the image is merely illustrative.
"Kathryn puts all of her 30 years of knowledge into this easy to follow playbook with all you need to create your own messages on LinkedIn."
- Roberta
Find, Attract, and Engage Your Target Market
Download Free Sample

* This is a digital product, the image is merely illustrative.
LinkedIn Messaging Playbook - Learn to develop meaningful online relationships with your network as part of your sales process.

How Does It Work?
The LinkedIn Messaging Playbook takes into consideration the most important conversation scenarios and steps in the process of building a relationship with your prospects.
From the Connection Request (with examples!) to setting a meeting. We've got you covered!
When you customize and apply these proven messaging templates, you will stand out from the masses and be well on your way to creating an effective Social Selling Messaging Strategy.
Our entire social selling methodology, the sCubed Method, is the art of inspired selling online with your prospects and customers without having to cold call.
As opposed to spray and pray techniques, an effective social selling strategy can change the life and business of an entrepreneur.
The templates and resources within the LinkedIn Messaging Playbook will help you create and grow your lead generation system. It is your roadmap to take massive action, today.

The sCUBED Method
C - Create a Compelling Digital Footprint.
U - Understand Your Online Business Goals.
B - Build Your Target Market
E - Engage Your Audience with Valuable Content
D - Develop Offline Relationships with Your Online Connections
Why Would you Buy a LinkedIn Messaging Playbook?
We have spoken with more than 1,000 B2B business owners and sales representatives and the overarching reason they are on LinkedIn is to generate leads, grow brand awareness and to connect with decision-makers in their market.
The messages within the LinkedIn Messaging Playbook are the actual messages we use to network and engage with our ideal prospects.
These messages were tested and optimized over and over again for more than 8 years before we were comfortable enough to share them with you.
What's Inside?
- 1The Cold Lead Warm Up Funnel
How to send an effective connection request.
- 3 Connection Request Messaging Templates.
Your connection is accepted. What do you do next?
- 3 Connection Accepted Messaging Templates.
Your prospect replied! Time to get busy.
- 3 Prospect Replied Messaging Templates.
Sending your Leads to a piece of content.
- 2 Templates on how to send your leads to a piece of content. - 2The Call/Meeting Appointment Funnel
Learn to Identify when your prospects are ready for a call.
- 3 Inviting for a call templates. - 3The Permission Method to Sharing Content
How to share content, the right way.
- Templates on how to reply depending on their response (“Yes”, “No”, “Not Sure”, “Emoji”, “Thanks”) - 4BONUS!
The top 10 Direct Messages that WILL get a response from your prospects.
Download Free Sample

* This is a digital product, the image is merely illustrative.
"Kathryn puts all of her 30 years of knowledge into this easy to follow playbook with all you need to create your own messages on LinkedIn."
- Roberta
Find, Attract and Engage Your Target Market
LinkedIn Messaging Playbook - Learn to develop meaningful online relationships with your network as part of your sales process.