How Compelling is Your LinkedIn Profile?

LinkedIn is much more than a placeholder for your resume. If you are on LinkedIn just to chat or find a job you are missing out on great opportunities.

This quick quiz will help you find out:

  • If your profile is helping or hindering your success.
  • The important elements to consider for your social selling strategy.
  • Where you are on track with understanding LinkedIn.

Evaluate your understanding of LinkedIn in less than two minutes by clicking the button below!

Why Take This Quiz?

I want to know how I can best support you! I invite you to take the quiz on this page.

Each section represents an important element for creating the social selling results you are wanting. In less than 5 minutes you’ll discover two things:

  • Where you are on track with understanding LinkedIn and the important elements to consider when building your social selling strategy.
  • What areas you need to focus on to create your strategy.

You will receive the results right away!

I am so glad you are here! I am looking forward to connecting with you, if you haven’t already done so, find me on LinkedIn and send me a connection request by clicking here.

- Kathryn E. Nuñez
